Nov 27, 2019 | Articles
Uncontrolled fires can cause severe destruction, devastating homes, obliterating the environment and cause severe risk to people. Each time a raging fire threatens homes and lives, firefighters put themselves in harm’s way and combat the flames, and...
Nov 13, 2019 | Articles
When you hear the term “drone”, you probably imagine a flying apparatus that captures pictures and data from above the Earth’s surface. But drones are much more than that – these versatile tools can explore the deep seas, manoeuvre through caves and capture...
Nov 13, 2019 | Articles
When an innovative product hits the market, all kinds of needs surface that didn’t exist before. As drones surge in popularity various companies and organisations are cropping up to meet the needs of drone operators, keep pace with changing technology and...
Nov 13, 2019 | Articles
Drones are growing in popularity and capability, and within the industry we’re constantly hearing announcements about exciting new features and applications of drone technology. In fact, drones are the way of the future: Goldman Sachs predicts that the drone industry...
Nov 13, 2019 | Articles
The police have a serious duty to protect and defend our communities. They’re tasked with handling everything from small one-off incidents to major catastrophes, emergencies and crimes. With such a broad range of responsibilities, police forces turn to...